Gettin’ Witchy

Ahh the cold October air is here, and Halloween is just around the corner. I always find this time of year so exciting. The start of the Holidays before we’re all burnt out on them all.

Winds of change are blowing, and Lurch and Holler are telling us all about it as they turn their mighty Wheel. Lurch and Holler is a 2006 CD release by Baltimore artists Michael Willis and E. Liz Downing. Next up Dan Hanrahan pays a weird visit to the Magician’s House. Truly witchy indeed. Beth Blood and Ghost Walks gets all earthy with, Mud, Mudder, Muddest. Be sure to check out Beth’s Halloween Costume Shop at: – it’s so cool, really. Then to get creepy I play another cut from the Gorehounds titled: Night of Gore, and it really rocks the house. Equator gets all trippy and strange with, Wave, and then we end the party rocking with Rain Station and the tune, Broom Hopping. Be sure to check out the Halloween Flash Animations by Rain Station at

I can’t wait to go out trick or treating with Baby Hoagie again this season. I get to eat all the candy.

Image Enhanced PodcastIMAGE ENHANCED PODCAST – October 6, 2006



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