Son Of A Groon

Son Of A Groon music by Jay E Moores

Son Of A Groon is a cruciferous retro rock opera.

Available on all music sharing platforms

Son Of A Groon Events

It feels so good to have friends! I have always felt like an outsider in most parts of my life. Anyone who can empathize with feeling like you don’t fit in, can understand The Groon. It’s not easy for The Groon. How are the people supposed to react to one as cruciferous as the Groon? It turns out there are more weirdos in this world than I thought.

Son Of A Groon Album Launch Party

One thing about the Groon…

The show begins with The Groon on tour, playing tambourine and bringing his special cruciferous kind of joy to the people, especially the ladies. The only problem is, it seems he’s leaving a trail of little half Groon babies everywhere he goes, who grow up to be a Son Of A Groon.

What is it about The Groon that makes the ladies so crazy? What has he got that the rest of us fellas do not? His very presence can put solid marriages under duress, make loyal women blush, and good honest hard working men feel small and unneeded when The Groon is around.

The Groon only wants to share his love for life and music. He knows not what he does to the ladies. He travels from town to town in his tour bus playing the small towns of middle America. When you’re a big fish in a small town, you make a big splash. There’s nothing else going on, and then suddenly, The Groon Show arrives, but when he leaves, nothing ever feels the same again.

You are invited to come on tour with The Groon Show. Be omniscient, see it from the audiences’ and the back stage point of view. Have a laugh when the town men folk start their own rock band in order to win their wives’ attention and affection back. It’s a hilarious battle of the bands.

But before all the crazy rock and roll hub bub gets to be too much, The Groon packs up and heads off to another town leaving everyone wondering what the row was all about. As the dust settles, they can only get back to regular every day life.

If The Groon has recently passed through your town, be kind to the lady folk. Give them time to heal, time to daydream about The Groon. Life will never be the same for some of them. Now part of their heart yearns for The Groon, and their everyday life will never seem sweeter than the fantasy she briefly got to have, and it all passed before the excitement staled. You can live a whole life and only have a few precious moments that are so sweet.

Give our crazy project Son Of A Groon a listen. It’s funny, warm, and heartfelt. The YouTube playlist has animated videos of each song if you like to watch while you listen. Music is also on Spotify – add us to your playlist.

  • Son Of A Groon Playlist

    Son Of A Groon Playlist



    Son Of A Groon is a cruciferous retro rock opera, available on Spotify, Apple Music, and other music sharing platforms.

  • Tambourine


    Reactions are varied. Turns out the Groon can be very polarizing. Some folk love you, and others just hate you. It’s a chemistry thing, like a lot of things in […]

  • Son Of A Groon

    Son Of A Groon



    A cruciferous rock opera in 14 tracks. Available on Apple Music, Spotify, and other music sharing platforms.

  • I Am The Groon

    I Am The Groon



    Nothing I can do about it. I am the Groon. Just when you feel you have suffered enough, here comes the Groon to challenge and trouble you even further. You […]