Category: Amusement

Jeepney ride to Shopwise grocery store

The tricycle cannot drive on Commonwealth freeway, so we hop onto a Jeepney for the last minute of our trip to the grocery store. So much fun. Jeepneys are an amazing form of public art. Each one is uniquely painted by the owner. Did I mention that I LOVE it here?

Weird Video Movies

SPAMCAM.comArchiving one’s own past is a bit weird. Have you ever been moving, packing, or searching for something, and find yourself lost in an old journal, photos, or old letters. Remembering past times, good and bad? Often a simple object will trigger a memory long forgotten, and it can feel really good to take this trip down memory lane.

Much of SuperFan is just that, my old recordings and demo tapes I’ve collected since the 70’s. Beyond the old cassette tapes, I also have a bunch of VHS video tapes that need to be transferred to digital format, and compressed into formats that will play on line. That way everyone can see ’em!

Wankin’ Woo Woo Productions was my production company’s name back then. It really captured the, “Ah – just do it” improvisational no budget approach our video projects took. I produced a few crappy homemade videos over the years. At that time, having graduated from art school (1986 MICA in Baltimore), most of my friends were arty freaks, and we would all have a lot of fun making video movies together. Our cameras were old, clunky and huge, and took an entire VHS tape inside them. We edited between two VHS decks. Not an easy way to edit when compared to a Mac these days. I’m glad those days of A/B Roll Deck editing are over.

Making the movie was a party, then watching the movie was a reason for yet another party. We had a great time. Now is the happy home of the Wankin’ Woo Woo. I will post entire movies there as I convert them into QuickTime videos for you. If you find a movie amusing, please tell a friend or two. Gather around the monitor, have a party with us.

Hoagie Malone