
I had to go out tonight to get some DVD-R discs and VHS tapes so I can burn my footage of Baby Hoagie’s first year for my folks back in Maine. On my way I saw lots of Christmas lights, and I got to thinking about what a celebration of Electricity Christmas has become. We surround our houses with strings of lights, buy all kinds of gizmos, TVs, computers, cell phones, video games and battery powered toys for our family and children. We even cut down and drag trees into our homes and cover them in electric lights. If there is one thing that does not need an electronic gadget, it’s gotta be a tree, but some how they become the very victim of this brightly lit holiday.

So here is my set devoted to the mysterious powers of electricity. First it’s The Gorehounds with, Tune In To My Love. Then mixed right in comes Brent Clifford and The Unknown Rule with, Central Central. A spooky techno bizarre sound scape thing that may have broken my four-track. Next up is Richard McGhee Star Vocalist practicing the song, Thomas Edison from a musical movie we were trying to make at the time. Allen Frost and Dan Hanrahan rings us up with Telephone Joe, Philadelphia’s Brother Eye whips out Hey Sunshine, and The All Mighty Senators finish today’s image enhanced podcast for iTunes with, Solar Power. So there you have it, and it’s all brought to you by Electricity. Plug it in!

Image Enhanced PodcastIMAGE ENHANCED PODCAST – December 17, 2005



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