Spooky Halloween Tunes

OK OK I know I’m a Halloween Nut, but I’m not alone. Once again I bring you some more Halloween themed songs to get everyone in the proper creepy mood. Baby Hoagie was born Halloween night, and will be having a first birthday party soon, so grab your mask and pillow case, and let’s all go out Trick or Treatin’ together to celebrate.

First up is another song from Rain Station’s CD, Dark Ride, and this is my favorite song on the disc, it’s called, Candy, and I love it. You can see fun Flash Animations of this and several other songs from Dark Ride at the nifty web site JackOLantern.ORG – so be sure to check out the goofy Halloween Flash Animations, (kids love ’em). You can hear the entire Dark Ride CD as well as many others at Mark Harvey’s 13thTrack.com – so be sure to get over there for a Halloween-O-Licious time.

Baltimore is a great place to experience Halloween. It has a very old european feel that only the old east coast cities have. The 3 Pigs Cafe come from Baltimore, and today are performing a song titled: Playing Gravestone.

Then, just when you thought it was safe, The Gorehounds tear the place up with a tribute to the Masters of The Macabre. Jordan and the band pays homage to H.P. Lovecraft and the 1930’s horror comic, Weird Tales. Jordan reads while the band flips out behind him. A great way to open up any live show indeed. Recorded LIVE in Portland Maine at Geno’s Pub.

So strap on your head phones, kick back, and get ready for some spooky Halloween music to rock your night right. Happy Halloween everybody!

Image Enhanced PodcastIMAGE ENHANCED PODCAST – October 14, 2005



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